Welcome To Work & Live Smart

I am sure all of us believe in having a work life balance.
Why not share it, learn from it and move on....afterall it is having fun and passion in doing, knowing and learning along the way that makes life's experiences worthwhile.
Have a great time here sharing but as usual...no obscene or controversial stuff.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Some People close Sales So Easily

More often that not, we see many successful sales person closing sales rather easily compared to others. Why is that So?
Are sales people 'born' or 'made'? Is it skills, knowledge, common sense or purely determination?
What do you think?

How often than not we hear people say some of the things like-

1) The quality of sales lies in the sales person
2) Great sales people never give up
3) He is able to close purely on 'who he knows' and not what he knows or has to offer
4) Pricing is never an issue, it is how you package or pitch it
5) Packaging and presentation is the most important in sales
6) We do not have a "wow'product
7) People are not interested or need it
8) The timing is not right or no budget
9) and many many more...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Effective vs. Efficient

Being “efficient” means “doing the job right” and that is important

Being “effective” means “doing the right job” and that is critical

Being effective is far more important than being efficient

The first job of the manager is to continuously ensure that the Team is working on the right job

So are you doing the right job or doing the job right?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Create Passion in your work

"The best way to escape a job you don't like is to excel at it."

Celebrate Sucess

"Celebrate yesterday's success, but never at the expense of today's opportunity."

How often than not have we done that by stealing people's ideas or success? Though unethical but many have done it. Why not share and celebrate success with those that gave you the opportunity?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Selfish Employees or Bad attitude ones

Employees and fellow colleagues today seem to care less on what happens outside of their departments or parameters. Thus creating more 'silo' effects on the organisaiton. Same applies for individuals who shut themselves away from their nieghbours and their communities. If their act purely selfish or bad attitude? Not wanting to learn, help, share or engage with others will not promote good teamwork, network and community among peers and the neighbourhood. But as some 'staff' are so called ' indispensible' to the bosses, they get their way. So how do we deal with it? Do we create competition to make them feel replaceable or do we start putting up consequences for non compliance or participation?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Once in your lifetime

Did you know... The number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 will be lined up once in your life time on August 7, 09..... and will NOT happen again until the next millennium.On August 7 , 2009 At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of August this year, the time and date will be 12:34:56 07/08/09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This will never happen in your life again...probably!!!! Amaze your friends..... be the first 2 tell them.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Creating a happy working environment

What do we need to do to create a happy workplace?
Do we just smile to everyone we meet?
Is there effort needed?
How do we deal with those that are grumpy everyday?

Robeto's shared items