Welcome To Work & Live Smart

I am sure all of us believe in having a work life balance.
Why not share it, learn from it and move on....afterall it is having fun and passion in doing, knowing and learning along the way that makes life's experiences worthwhile.
Have a great time here sharing but as usual...no obscene or controversial stuff.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Some People close Sales So Easily

More often that not, we see many successful sales person closing sales rather easily compared to others. Why is that So?
Are sales people 'born' or 'made'? Is it skills, knowledge, common sense or purely determination?
What do you think?

How often than not we hear people say some of the things like-

1) The quality of sales lies in the sales person
2) Great sales people never give up
3) He is able to close purely on 'who he knows' and not what he knows or has to offer
4) Pricing is never an issue, it is how you package or pitch it
5) Packaging and presentation is the most important in sales
6) We do not have a "wow'product
7) People are not interested or need it
8) The timing is not right or no budget
9) and many many more...

Robeto's shared items