Welcome To Work & Live Smart

I am sure all of us believe in having a work life balance.
Why not share it, learn from it and move on....afterall it is having fun and passion in doing, knowing and learning along the way that makes life's experiences worthwhile.
Have a great time here sharing but as usual...no obscene or controversial stuff.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just had an interesting meet up with a young and enterprising Consultants Group in KL and got me wondering ..... During the first meet of any project implementation or consulting sale pitch...does the company represent the consultant or should the consultant represent the company brand....to instill confidence, great first impression in the presentation. Choose to agree to disagree?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Here’s What CEOs REALLY Want to Get Out of Their HR Leaders

Here’s What CEOs REALLY Want to Get Out of Their HR Leaders

Here’s What CEOs REALLY Want to Get Out of Their HR Leaders | LinkedIn

Here’s What CEOs REALLY Want to Get Out of Their HR Leaders | LinkedIn

Are HR professionals better than Financial Professionals in running companies? Your thoughts

It seems of late due to the shortage of talent in organisation today, many reputable and experience management and HR consultants are going into employment with medium to large organisations.
This trend seem to make me consider the various head hunting opportunities that is knocking on my door for senior positions in these companies.
What are your thoughts...do you think people like me or consultants should go back to employment to solve the current talent shortage and getting people like us to lead the company that is growing but lack expertise and strategic implementation.


Where is the limit in learning & responsibilities

In organisation's today and homes today, we see many fence sitters that do not care less about what is happening out of their parameters. They become more 'silo' or start behaving territorial as they refuse to ackowledge there is a world out there bside theirs. Are they being selfish or is it just purely their nature or low in self confidence?

Whatever it is, in organisations and home today, there people just feels that as it is not their job or department, why should they care less.

SO is loyalty or being a responsible citizen/human being count? I feel it is purely being selfish as learning, helping and promoting others in organisations promotes growth, harmony and sense of belonging in organisations as helping, sharing and caring promotes frienship, community building and the neighbourhood spirit in homes today. How many people you know do that?

Advise from Warren Buffet


"I always knew I was going to be rich.
I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute"
- Warren Buffett

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